PDF HellBent on Blessings Brides of Blessings Book 3 edition by Heather Blanton Brides of Blessings Religion Spirituality eBooks

PDF HellBent on Blessings Brides of Blessings Book 3 edition by Heather Blanton Brides of Blessings Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 18784 KB
  • Print Length 200 pages
  • Publication Date February 14, 2018
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07887SLGN

HellBent on Blessings Brides of Blessings Book 3 edition by Heather Blanton Brides of Blessings Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • I enjoyed this story a great deal... I was surprised to find out at the end that Harriet, the lead female character was inspired by an actual woman. I personally love Heather's ability to bring the real-life grit to life in her books. How she weaves together the internal conflict(s), and relevance of Scripture to our daily lives; Both in the ordinary and extraordinary scenarios. In my opinion, she does her best work when she is paying homage to a specific person and bringing their struggles to life for her audience. That she also wraps it up with how God can work it out for HIs good purposes, that which the enemy or even the individual thought would destroy them is an added bonus. Life has its ups and downs for some there may be more downs than others, God still works out victories for us and she truly has a talent for capturing these things. This is a story about a broken woman, forced to be strong, forced to make hard choices... because the one she trusted failed her and hurt her, stole her dreams and wore her spirit down she became that type A controlling woman that so many of us try to be when we are taking on the world. In that process we are so focused, so hell-bent on making things better we sometimes forget to enjoy the moment, we sometimes forget the attitude of gratitude, we forget how to be relational, our hurt when not faced forces us to keep everyone at arm's length. we then become that which we despised and can hurt those around us, cause others to question our judgment etc... and Heather is back at it here with Harriet's story... Much to this reader's delight this story and development of the characters and their walk with God in here is more along the lines of her Ladies in Defiance and Grace Be A Lady heroines. As well as much to be said about the men in the book(s). The ones​ who are prayerful, patient, and long-suffering and love these women through their broken places
  • "I'm going to kill him . . . . But he's already dead."

    Harriet's good-for-nothing, drunk-all-the time husband is dead. That's a good thing and a bad thing; the good thing is that he'll never give her any trouble again, the bad thing is that he left her in a heap of trouble; three thousand dollars in debt to be exact. Determined that she will never rely on a man again, Harriet bravely leaves her children behind in Sundown, Oregon and travels to Blessings, California; hell-bent on making enough money to begin a new life for her family. Does it matter that a handsome sheriff, formerly from Sundown is already there?

    Jason Meredith has put up his badge, enjoying a life free from the challenges of law enforcement, when Harriet Pullen arrives in Blessings. He's never met a more stubborn woman, but he's thankful to have a second chance at gaining her trust, nonetheless. When he and Harriet enter into a mutually beneficial business partnership, Jason could never have imagined to what lengths his heart would be trampled before Harriet transforms into a blessing.

    Heather Blanton's talents are on full display with her saucy characters inspired by actual historical figures, whose fierce independence would make many a hair curl!
  • This book shows Heather's multi-faceted talents. She has written other books and each one surprises me, yet pleases me. No two are a like. There may be series, but they're not alike.
    I enjoyed Harriet ' s "feistyness" because it is totally opposite of me, but it got her places and I give her credit for that. I enjoyed the character of Jason as well. He epitomizes 'long suffering', one of the fruit of the Spirit. What I like most about Heather's books is her characters are very realistic , the scenery is vivid and you (I) feel like I'm in the story too.
    Be sure to look up--and buy--Heather's other books! You will be glad you did!
  • I loved this whole book, I like western stories, the plot was good, the characters each had personalities. The era 1800's was just right and oh my! Harriet was going to Blessings all by herself.

    I was so thankful the sheriff was there when she arrived; and the kitchen that she worked from, well, right then I would have walked out. She was a stubborn woman and was always trying to prove herself. Then during the race Charley Parkhurst showed up. I had read about him, I couldn't believe he was going to help her with the race. This book is based on a true story about a woman's life that lived during the Gold Rush Era whom went out west. I will be reading more books by this author, Heather Blanton. I recommend this book to everyone.
  • Heather keeps coming up with unique and inspiring books, often based on real-life people and situations. She continues to be an incredible writer, but her skills at finding these little known facts and stories are simply amazing. There's always so much authentic detail that she spreads throughout the story. Each of the main characters handle things in a different way which makes a great story and sometimes causes them confusion. I highly recommend this story and that every one reads this book as well as her other books.
  • My favorite parts of Heather's books are watching the H and h finally fall in love. She doesn't do instalove, but she also doesn't tank the reader back and forth and frustrate you with the hot and cold some authors employ. The least favorite parts would have to be the villains she writes. They always make my skin crawl.
  • The long anticipated book - was worth the wait. Ms. Blanton never fails to grab a reader’s attention. Characters are so lifelike that she almost had me wanting to slap Harriet silly for her stubbornness. Thanks for a few hours of entertainment. I am now waiting for the next book!
  • Jason Meredith gave up being the town Sheriff to move to Blessings, California. Harriet Pullen having lost everything moved to Blessings to start over. She Will do whatever it takes to provide for her family. Jason is determined to show her she can trust him. I love how this played out.
